Knife, Ax, and Fire Building

Totin' Chip Skills - Webelos, Arrow of Light, Tenderfoot, and Second Class

Webelos: Cast Iron Chef

3. Use tinder, kindling, and fuel wood to demonstrate how to build a fire in an appropriate outdoor location. If circumstances permit and there is no local restriction on fires, show how to safely light the fire, under the supervision of an adult. After allowing the fire to burn safely, safely extinguish the flames with minimal impact to the fire site

Arrow of Light: Scouting Adventure

6. Demonstrate your knowledge of the pocketknife safety rules and the pocketknife pledge. If you have not already done so, earn your Whittling Chip card

Scout (Requirement 5): Tools

5. Tell what you need to know about pocketknife safety.

Tenderfoot (Requirement 3): Tools

3d. Demonstrate proper care, sharpening, and use of the knife, saw, and ax. Describe when each should be used.

Second Class (Requirement 2): Cooking and Tools

2a. Explain when it is appropriate to use a fire for cooking or other purposes and when it would not be appropriate to do so. Scouter Rob Video (1.5 min)

2b. Use the tools listed in Tenderfoot requirement 3d to prepare tinder, kindling, and fuel wood for a cooking fire. Scouter Rob Video (2 min)

2c. At an approved outdoor location and time, use the tinder, kindling, and fuel wood from Second Class requirement 2b to demonstrate how to build a fire. Unless prohibited by local fire restrictions, light the fire. After allowing the flames to burn safely for at least two minutes, safely extinguish the flames with minimal impact to the fire site. (See Video for 2b)

2d. Explain when it is appropriate to use a lightweight stove and when it is appropriate to use a propane stove. Set up a lightweight stove or propane stove. Unless prohibited by local fire restrictions, light the stove. Describe the safety procedures for using these types of stoves. Scouter Rob Video (3.5 min)